Editing your Twitter profile page will help engage your audience and promote your brand. Find how to edit your profile photo, header photo, bio, website address and location here.


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The Wordfence security plugin for Wordpress is an excellent plugin and a must have to secure your website. However, it can cause your site to load slowly. Here's how to speed it up again...


6 Comments > Tags: Tips | Wordpress

I've just been reading about a new mobile app called Visual Currency Converter. In a nutshell, you use the app to take a photo of the price you want to convert. It could be on a restaurant menu, clothing price tag, etc. Sounds great but does it work as well in real life situations and what else could be done to improve currency conversion apps?...


12 Comments > Tags: Idea

New technology spotted on the streets of London. It could be a new combined version of Siri and Apple Maps. Apple's answer to Google Glass maybe? See the photo here...


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This hilarious video has been doing the rounds on YouTube for a while and shows why the world isn't quite ready to go fully digital...


1 Comment > Tags: Funny | Video

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